All brain injuries are different.

Brain Injury Survivors was founded by aneurysm survivor Denzil Strickland, author, former professor and retired business owner. One thing he’ll tell you right away is while there are commonalities among brain injuries, each one is different in its own ways.

While some survivors experience serious physical deficits, others show few outward aftereffects. In some cases, deficits such as dizziness, and memory impairment or difficulty concentrating are largely unseen by others. You'll hear people with perfectly good intentions say things like 'You seem great' or 'Everyone has memory problems. You're just like all of us.' Yet, you know you're not the same. You know that sometimes you simply don't feel like yourself.

Virtually all survivors are adversely affected emotionally. Many experience serious depression, headaches and sleeping disorders. It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by formerly simple tasks. Often, survivors go through periods of anger and resentment. 

One thing we all have in common: we need to talk to other survivors. We have become acutely aware that others—doctors, friends, co-workers and family members — do not fully understand what it’s like to have a brain injury. Not only can we share our experiences with one another, we can share information about new research and resources that help our brains get better.

By sharing, we can help each other. With information we can get better.